Cyber Command Homepage2024-10-29T11:25:31-04:00

Cyber Command

Cyber Command Corporation is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public charity that offers cybersecurity awareness training and develops viable cybersecurity defense software.

Mission Statement

Cybersecurity concerns are one of the most critical threats facing the security of our nation, which impacts all United States citizens, including individuals, families, businesses of all sizes and verticals, and government organizations.

Our mission is to reduce threat risk by promoting cybersecurity education and awareness, facilitating research, advancing development, and enabling dissemination of cybersecurity defense products and services to USA individuals, public and private organizations.

Want to organize a free virtual or in-person cybersecurity class for seniors in your neighborhood? Please contact us below and we’ll get the process started!

Cybersecurity Intelligence Feed & Resources

This section contains free cybersecurity related articles and knowledge to help learn critical cybersecurity lessons.

Take Control of Your Data

January 30th, 2025|Categories: Gov. Programs|

Data Privacy Week (January 27-31) is an annual campaign to spread awareness about online privacy and empower users and organizations to respect privacy, safeguard data, and enable trust. A user’s online activity generates a wealth of data that websites and companies can collect.

Our Services

C3 helps reduce the risk of compromise by promoting cybersecurity education and awareness, and by facilitating research, development and dissemination of viable cybersecurity defense products and services to individuals, public and private organizations in the United States.

In-Person Training Classes

Virtual Classes

Phishing Simulations

Security Posture Analysis

Credential Leak Checks

Policies, Procedures & Plans

Phishing Attack Prevention

Network Intrusion Protection

Actionable Intelligence

Cyber Command is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public charity. EIN 93-2718000.


Our Board of Directors

Joshua Weiss, President

Arthur Warady, Treasurer

Kelly Whitis, Secretary

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. Please use the contact form below to reach us.

Want to organize a free virtual or on-person cybersecurity class in your neighborhood for seniors? Need general information? Want to join our cause? Let us know how we can work together!
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away. If you'd like to schedule a free in-person or a virtual cybersecurity training class, please let us know!


Click here for Cyber Command Corporation’s disclosures.

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